Limiting beliefs: How to avoid their conditioning in our life?

What do I do if that belief ("I am good for nothing", e.g.) keeps conditioning me and keeps imposing itself in my mind?

Here you have some advices to put into practice and improve the limiting beliefs management.

Name it
Recognise the belief and put it a name helps to identify it as a content of your thinking, a learned schema, so many times repeated that you ended up believing you WERE like that (e.g. useless at everything) and stopped trying, conditioned by that. But the truth is, you are not that though, it’s in fact create by you and you have the power to change it.

Give time yourself
The pace of life and demands of today's culture impose us to do everything NOW and WELL, life is not like that...let yourself be wrong and do not let that frustrate you to keep trying.

Accept yourself
That you understand that you are not "good for nothing" does not mean the opposite, that you can do anything, that if you try and make an effort, you will achieve it...this is often encouraged by the networks and usually generates, then, suffering. People have strengths and weaknesses, we are more skilled in some things and less skilled in others...and that is human, the BALANCE.

Don’t judge you
Practice self-compassion and gratitude. If the limiting belief persists, THANK IT, because that belief allowed you to realise that you HAVE thoughts that sometimes play against you but you are not that thought.

Congratulate yourself for the attempts
The willingness to change is already a step forward. You already begin to shift your internal reference point from the self fused with those beliefs to the OBSERVING SELF of their content. Ex. "I am good for nothing” —> sometimes I think I am like that and in certain areas I am not skilled but my whole being is not that.

Ask for help
If you think it is limiting your daily life or generating discomfort and you can't deal with it, look for Counselling. You may not be able (for now) to change the focus regarding that belief, but you can act to change the situation.

It is about increasing our repertoire of responses, to act from conscious choice and not guided by a learned and conditioning pattern of thinking, avoiding contact with experience for fear of failure or having a bad time. But after all, isn't failure and suffering also part of our life? 🤔


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