How to increase our happiness from Neurocognitive science

There are ways within everyone's reach that allow us to stimulate the hormones and neurotransmitters intervening in our emotional states.

Their frequent application promotes the care of our integral well-being, promoting a positive affective tone, linked to the feeling of happiness and well-being.

Here is a list with some simple actions to apply in the daily routine in order to enhance the release of some neurotransmitters associated to happiness

Sleeping 6 to 8 hours, congratulating oneself on daily achievements, enjoying a delicious meal, completing a project, progressing in an important task are some of the activities in which this chemical is involved.

Practising gratefulness and kindness, as well as keeping in touch with our values and principles. Instead of being focused on what you still have to achieve or what you have to improve, think about the goals you already achieve, what it is working right so far. Think about your values and apply them with you. If respect is important to you, why you treat yourself unkindly? why don’t you judge yourself so hard?
Being in touch with nature and laughing are also excellent ways to trigger your Serotonin: practise grounding, watch funny videos, practice laugh about your mistakes reducing the dramatic vision.


Meditate, no matter have many time you keep it. Try Mindfulness: being present here and now.
Giving hugs, kissing and being with our loved ones as well as being generous and amorous with others and ourselves enhance Oxytocin.

Practice some sport or workout. Put your body on action: walking, hiking, running, swimming. Join an activity you enjoy, start a new hobby: dancing, singing, cooking, drawing, playing an instrument.


Communication in the couple: how to be assertive.


Rumination: chewing over and over again on an idea.